
Introducing Me & My Purpose

I am warning you now that I really don't know what I am doing. All I know is that I want to get my story out to the world and hope I find others who have the same issues as I do. I'm not talking about "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" issues, but medical ones.I should probably now take a little time to explain what I'm talking about so I don't seem like I belong in the Oregon State Hospital next to Mr. Nicholson.

I have a rare, genetic immunodeficiency known as WHIM Syndrome. I know the word immunodeficiency seems like a big word (I felt like Nemo trying to pronounce anemone when I first heard of it), but it simply means that I have a problem with my immune system. More specifically, my body has trouble creating white blood cells to fight infections. Of course, as a result, I become sick easily and have spent much of my life in a hospital (not to mention the dozens of medications).

Now you are probably wondering why I am telling you this and no... this is not just some stupid sob story. I want other people out there in the world who are struggling with the same or a similar illness to know they are not alone. I have been dealing with this problem since birth. I know that it can be difficult to deal with, but it is worth the fight. I have been fighting for 18 years and have no intentions of giving in. If anything WHIMS has made me the strong, independent person I am today.

Throughout this blog I will share with you my journey through college and dealing with my illness. Just remember... you're not alone.

Please feel free to leave comments or questions. I will do my best to answer them.

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